asmSelect - Alternate Select Multiple Documentation and more information at: See related article at: VERSION 1.0.4a beta - June 3rd, 2009 - Minor update to correct IE8 issue. Thanks to Matthew Hutton for this fix. VERSION 1.0.4 beta - December 1, 2008 - Fixed issue that interfered with multiple asmSelects on the same page. This also solves an issue with dynamically rendered (ajax) asmSelects on 1 page. - Changed options so that "animate" and "highlight" now default to "false". These are just a bit too slow on older computers, so I thought it would be better not to make them active defaults. - Added code that triggers a change() event on the original <select multiple> whenever a change is made on the asmSelect. This means that other bits of javascript don't need to know about asmSelect if they happen to be monitoring the original <select multiple> for changes. - Added some additional logic for dealing with IE and determining whether a click preceded an item being added to the list. This was necessary because IE triggers change events when you are scrolling around in a select. Thankfully not an issue with other browsers. - Added "optionDisabledClass" in program options. This is a class assigned to <option> items that are disabled. This was necessary because only Safari allows the "disabled" attribute with option tags (as far as I can tell). This is mostly for internal use with asmSelect, so you can ignore this unless you want to come up with your own styles for disabled option items. - Added logic to detect Opera and force a redraw of the html list when original select is modified. Previously, opera would not draw the new list items... They were in the DOM, just not on Opera's screen. - Updated documentation with note about the Firefox autocomplete issue, which can be a factor on some asmSelect implementations VERSION 1.0.3 beta - This version was released in the issues section of the Google code site, but never released as a full package. It fixed the issue with multiple asmSelects on a single page. VERSION 1.0.2 beta - July 15, 2008 - Updated license to consistent with jQuery and jQuery UI: Dual MIT and GNU license. - Fixed issue with IE6 where original select multiple would reappear when sorting was enabled. - Put in a partial fix for when IE6 select is being scrolled without being focused. (ieClick) - Updated for some other minor IE6 fixes, but still not 100% on IE6, see 'Known Issues' in docs. - Changed 'animate' and 'highlight' to be false by default. These are too slow on old computers. - Added new class to CSS 'optionDisabledClass' that is applied to disabled options. This was necessary becase Firefox and IE don't fade disabled options like Safari does. - Removed some extraneous code. VERSION 1.0.1 beta - July 7, 2008 - Corrected an issue with IE where asmSelect didn't work if option values were blank. VERSION 1.0.0 beta - July 5, 2008 Initial release Copyright 2008 by Ryan Cramer